Legal Pointers

Legal Webinar: How Mergers & Acquisitions in Healthcare are Done!

Posted by Ben Mirza | Mar 28, 2023

Legal Webinar: How Mergers & Acquisitions in Healthcare are Done!

Objective: Learn about healthcare mergers, sales, and acquisitions.

Description: Covers acquisition issues such as asset vs corporation, accounts receivable, software rights, assumed liabilities; stock sales, mergers, member substitutions; Hospital management reps and warranties, medical staff matters, regulatory risks in closing the transactions; Acquisition of Physician Practices, deal structure, fee splitting, employee leasing, corporate practice of medicine, and due diligence in preparing for the deal. 

Date: Tuesday, 4/18/2023

Time: 6:30 PM EST

To book your seat for this seminar, for the Zoom registration link click below:

This is a webinar hosted by the South Florida Hospital News where you will learn how Mergers & Acquisitions in Healthcare are done.

About the Author

Ben Mirza

Founding and Managing Partner

For Personalized Attention Of Legal Counsel

