The NextGen of Healthcare Attorneys

What Makes Us Different
The NextGen of Healthcare Attorneys
Healthcare law industry is changing, and here is how. The year 2020 undoubtedly will go down in history for ushering in an enormous chapter of change in all social and economic sectors. Healthcare law is no exception. As health systems and physician organizations grapple with the economic disruption due to COVID-19, the pressure to cut legal costs is huge. Eliminating the old ways of nickel and diming buried in client billing needs to change. A fresh look at the efficient delivery of legal services is the answer.
What Do Healthcare Clients Want?
Healthcare organizations want to know what service they are buying and how much will it cost upfront. Clients want to know that they can call a legal expert 24/7 when something goes wrong at the hospital or the clinic. Clients want to see law firms leverage a bank of document templates and transfer the cost savings to the client. Administrators and physicians need practical legal advice, not legalese when they call their attorney. This writing has been on the wall for years, and still, most firms are very resistant to following these customer wants.

What are some of the healthcare provider blind spots?
Healthcare providers think of some great ideas, but they are often not sure how to best implement them. Regulations are their blind spots. Companies attempt to set a new direction with goals and take flight, but they have to go through the healthcare triangle. That triangle is likened to the Bermuda Triangle, and it causes some great companies to lose their sense of direction and get stuck in the weeds of regulation. What clients want is someone to help them navigate the legal blind spots. Lawyers who are often too lawyerly and not practical, simply perpetuate those blind spots. “To truly improve healthcare, the industry needs individuals who can navigate the system more strategically; and in law, lawyering alone is not enough,” says Ben Assad Mirza. Ben relies on his skill set, not only as an attorney but as a certified public accountant and a Yale MPHA graduate to truly understand the patient/administrator way of thinking. Having a “Counselor On-Call” is an extremely practical and important solution for clients.